Belal Breaga Bakht
Chief Biscuit Buyer and kind of runs things. Entrepreneur and Creative Director with over 35 years experience in hospitality, film, security, design, management consultancy and building startups in the UK, US, HK and India.

Kulwinder Kaur
Looking after the numbers and and our LifeJam vertical is chartered certified accountant Kulwinder. With her boundless energy, you’d never think she had over 25 years of experience. She also provides board support and FD services to our UK-based SME clients.

Joe Corbould
With his exceptional research and coordination skills Joe makes sure all the dots connect so we can seamlessly deliver the best experience possible for Illuminate Retreats and MyFriendsFlat. Just don’t ask for help when it’s nappy time (kidding).

Elysia Pinto
Driven, multi-talented and free-spirited, Elysia isn’t just a Legal Eagle, she’s an Albatross, and she soars. In her role of providing oversight of ISANO’s legal obligations, she ensures that we deliver operations safely and efficiently.

Mohit Sharma
With a background in IT and design, Mohit coordinates for our Belabreaga brand products. He loves a challenge, and indeed thrives on it. Something that’s needed when dealing with manufacturing in China and India!

Jeevana Sai
With a background in forex-trading and risk management, Jeevana’s multiple roles at ISANO encompass HelpHuddle, LifeJam, Conciergica - and more - which makes her our all round go-to-girl.

Bhoomi Joshi
An art enthusiast who admires nature and its beauty, Bhoomi is an explorer and achiever who loves to climb mountains of life and literally enjoys climbing mountains too. Our youngest member of the MyFriendsFlat Team, she has an attention to detail and that’s what also makes her a great artist.

Shabu James
ISANO would run out of gas if it wasn‘t for the ever-dependable Shabu keeping a close eye on our websites, IT and the whole back-end. Tech whizkid, that’s him.

Farheen Nahvi
Farheen is our Paris-based young stalwart hailing from the publishing industry, and she handles our Illuminate Retreats vertical and digital content. You’ll find her always always reading, creating, and planning out extensive adventures for herself and for our Luminees.

Rajashree Gangam
Determined and goal-oriented, Rajashree uses her creative flair to manage HelpHuddle operations, allowing us to help more people, something which she is very passionate about.

Ansujeet Parida
Ansujeet‘s passion for design and its ability to form relationships between ideas and reality always translates into his never-failing enthusiasm for our internal and client projects. That’s intense.

Efiokpene Emuejevoke
Voke not only handles a lot of our retreat and location research, but also coordination and admin. He keeps the whole team entertained with his boundless enthusiasm and tendency to burst into song (he’s an excellent singer and songwriter and kind of wasted here)

Andrea Occipinti
Like so many of our Luminees, Andrea felt his passion and purpose in life wasn’t being fully fulfilled by his Chartered Accountant position, and now he’s revelling in his role of verifying Locations in Sicily and ensuring our Luminees get the most out of their Illuminate experience in Italy and beyond.

Tasneem Murtaza
Tasneem brings her flair for design and love of fonts to the Illuminate universe of websites, social media and Luminee presentation decks.

Giulia Pedrotti
Whether it’s hatha, vinyasa, pranayama, yin, or restorative yoga; nutritional cooking, Tibetan sound healing, massage, kinesiology, naturopathy, or Quantic Business programs, our multi-skilled partner in Giula offers awesome holistic spiritual and physical therapy in Sicily and across Europe.

Meriem Bendahmane
Savasana Yoga teacher, Certified Marma and Thai yoga massage therapist Meriem has a passion for mindfulness, breathwork, and exploring ways to heal the body and mind. And as our Country Manager in Morocco, she’s there to ensure everyone’s ride is as smooth as possible.

Himank Goyal
Programmer, part-time engineer and a full-time dreamer, Himank’s passion for technology drives him to help manage our MyFriendsFlat vertical and be our man-on-the-ground in Mumbai for Codacane.

Bernaline Dias
An ambivert who loves to travel and explore, Bernaline is the latest addition to the MyFriendsFlat team, looking after Hosts and Guests all over the world. And she has the tidiest desk. Ever.