All-in-one brand entry solutions
    for your company's products and services


    Flights + Hotel + Car + Tablet with App + Phone + Conference + Buyer Meetings + Coordination

India Brand Entry

We enable globally-ambitious SMEs to explore, enter and expand into the dynamic, high-growth market that is India. With annual growth rates of 7-8{00da146a8a17a45b7a7f05ca0d9f5d91fdf8850c2221c996b979f7fb99a0e4ca}, US, UK, European and other global companies cannot afford to ignore the market potential of this vast country of over 1.2 billion people, and a burgeoning middle-class of 350 million.

Our focus is to always act as your trusted partner, doing our utmost to ensure that your organization establishes a strong in-country platform and maximises the return on your business development and expansion investment.

ISANO’s local teams in Mumbai and Delhi deliver a comprehensive range of services – including market feasibility, legal and financial compliance, sourcing and managing teams, developing infrastructure and more – all backed by real, practical in-market experience and expertise.

Join our Indian Trade Delegations for 10 days trips – 4 days Mumbai, 4 days Delhi – with not only the basics of hotels, cars, internal flights, and coordination included, but introductions to vertical-specific buyers and specifiers for your products and services. The most effective way of entering the Indian market.